
Profil : Aline Melinette

Mme Aline Melinette

Project Manager EUMaster4HPC
Project Manager EUMaster4HPC Partenariats Internationaux @ Sorbonne Université
Project Manager & Partenariats Internationaux
Sorbonne Université, une université pluridisciplinaire de recherche intensive et de rang mondial. Forte de ses 52 000 étudiantes et étudiants, 6 400 personnels d'enseignement et de recherche et 400 000 alumni, elle s’attache à relever les grands défis du XXIe siècle.
HPC HPDA IA / Machine learning / Deep learning IoT Cloud Computing

Offres de Aline Melinette

Formation initiale diplômante

Master’s in High Performance Computing (HPC)

Full study programme at Sorbonne Université (M1 and M2 without compulsory international mobility). This double Master's degree in computer science and mathematics will provide a demanding curriculum, balanced between computer science aspects and applied mathematics aspects of HPC.
HPC Langage de programmation Programmation calcul parallèle / GPU Simulation numérique
Formation initiale diplômante

EUMaster4HPC: European Master’s in High Performance Computing (HPC)

European double degree Master’s in High Performance Computing (HPC) with a mandatory mobility period at one of the seven European partner universities of EUMaster4HPC (Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland).
HPC Langage de programmation Programmation calcul parallèle / GPU Simulation numérique