Designed for all and entirely free : Join your HPC Summer School and/or follow the Gray Scott Thursdays webinars
The LAPP laboratory (CNRS – CNRS Nuclei & Particles), as part of the ESCAPE Collaboration work programme, and in collaboration with the CC-FR Competence Centre, is organizing the third Gray Scott School from 23 June to 4 July 2025. This summer school on HPC, in a unique format and entirely free of charge, will be dedicated to programming and optimization on Heterogeneous Architectures.
The school will cover the optimisation of computations on different types of hardware (CPU, GPU), presenting their respective characteristics, architectures and bottlenecks. It will cover generic optimisation methods applicable to all types of hardware, as well as the various libraries, technologies and languages available to achieve the best possible performance. Ideally, the peak performance of the machine.
- Hardware: CPU, GPU
- Languages considered : C++17, C++20, CUDA, Fortran, Rust, Python, Julia
- Libraries considered: SYCL, Eve, NumPy, cunumerics, legate, Jax, Thrust, cuPy, pycuda and PyTorch
- Compilers considered : g++, clang++, nvc++, gfortran, nvfortran, dpc++.
- Profiling tools: Valgrind, Maqao, Perf, NSight, Malt and NumaProf
All the methods will be illustrated on simple examples, such as Hadamard products, reductions, barycentre calculations and matrix products, in order to be applied to a single problem: the simulation of a Gray Scott reaction.
This problem is simple enough to be understood quickly and complex enough for compilers to have difficulty optimising it without help. Each method will be broken down into a simple version, using default options, and one or more advanced versions, which will allow their advantages and disadvantages to be discussed and quantified.
This intensive or à la carte training course can be followed :
- Face-to-face at the LAPP in Annecy with the trainers – including a BootStrap day (solving your programming/optimisation problems)
- Distance learning at various satellite sites in Europe (more information to come)
- Distance learning, à la carte, via live streaming on Youtube
Gray Scott School enhanced by Gray Scott Thursdays, a series of 17 technical webinars
Leading up to the summer program, we’re hosting a special series of 17 webinars called « Gray Scott Thursdays » focused on Unit tests, CPU & GPU Architecture, Computing precision, Memory allocation, CPU & GPU computing with Modern C++, Rust, Fortran, Python and Sycl, also EVE and CUDA…
These weekly sessions will:
- Introduce key topics from the courses
- Give you an update of the most known languages and libraries
- Develop your skills and give you the chance to meet our incredible professors
Whether you’re looking to expand your expertise, solve a problem or connect with a vibrant community of learners, the Gray Scott School adds value for everyone.
Live and replayable: click on the ‘Gray Scott Thursdays’ tab to see the programme and join us easily registering here!
Connect with us! Join our community on DISCORD or one of our channel below!
–> If you are interested, don’t hesitate to relive the 2024 edition by clicking here
(French version only, sorry friends! 🙂 )