103 résultats sur 103 entrées
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Data Science Starter Program
Un parcours intensif, basé sur votre propre projet, pour vous permettre d’assimiler rapidement les fondamentaux de la Data science.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Certificat Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 2 in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Parallel and distributed systems are ubiquitous in many applications in our daily life including AI, online games, social networks, web services and healthcare simulations. These systems distribute computation over many computing units because they have to sustain massive workloads that cannot fit into a single computer.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 2 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 2 Computer Science for Networks
The second-year Computer Science for Networks (CSN) Master’s program enables students to understand, analyze and improve communication networks, as well as develop and define software for next-generation networks. It provides techniques and tools to tackle current questions through the in-depth study of computer science and complex networks. Students will also learn to master recent approaches based on advanced software engineering.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 2 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 2 Foundations of Computer Science
Everyone regularly experiences computer programs being inefficient or crashing. In order to avoid that, it is necessary to properly define and study what it means for a machine to compute something. This 2-years master program covers some of the theoretical approaches to computer science addressing this, often based on mathematical tools, with a view towards applications. The topics of the courses include
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 2 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 2 Data and Artificial Intelligence
The two-year Data Artificial Intelligence Master’s program covers artificial intelligence (AI) and large-scale data management. Students will acquire the basics of machine learning, logic, big data systems, and databases, before diving into applications in advanced machine learning, symbolic AI, swarm intelligence, natural language processing, visual computing, and robotics.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 2 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 2 High Performance Data Analytics
The rapid growth of the internet has led to vast amounts of data being collected. As analyzing this data requires tremendous computing power, high-performance data analytics employs various parallelization techniques to reduce the execution time. These techniques can be applied to various domains such as high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and big data.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 2 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 1 in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Parallel and distributed systems are ubiquitous in many applications in our daily life including AI, online games, social networks, web services and healthcare simulations. These systems distribute computation over many computing units because they have to sustain massive workloads that cannot fit into a single computer.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 1 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 1 Foundations of Computer Science
Everyone regularly experiences computer programs being inefficient or crashing. In order to avoid that, it is necessary to properly define and study what it means for a machine to compute something. This 2-years master program covers some of the theoretical approaches to computer science addressing this, often based on mathematical tools, with a view towards applications. The topics of the courses include
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 1 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 1 Data and Artificial Intelligence
The two-year Data and Artificial Intelligence Master’s program covers artificial intelligence (AI) and large-scale data management. Students will acquire the basics of machine learning, logic, big data systems and databases, before diving into applications in advanced machine learning, symbolic AI, swarm intelligence, natural language processing, visual computing, and robotics.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 1 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 1 Computer Science for Networks
This first-year Master’s program offers students an initiation into industrial and academic research, so they acquire strong practical and theoretical knowledge in computer science and networking. The broad range of courses gives students the opportunity to develop excellent technical and scientific skills. The lectures and project supervision are given by distinguished world-class professors and experts in related fields.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 1 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Advanced AI for Data Analysis
Un parcours approfondi sur les nouvelles méthodes d’IA et et leurs applications à des données massives et hautement hétérogènes.
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Certificat Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 1 of computer science HPDA
This track’s program covers the whole software stack of today’s high performance data analytics applications, from the internals of operating systems, and the foundation of parallel programming to High Performance Computing applications and AI techniques. The 2 years program is composed of mandatory courses that focus on core topics (operating systems, parallel programming, …) and optional courses that target either HPC applications (numerical simulation and modeling, …) or AI applications (Machine learning, data mining, …) The program has a focus on research, and aims to integrate students into research labs through projects and the master’s thesis, in order to prepare them for a PhD.
Palaiseau (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 1 Contact
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master 2 Analyse, Modélisation, Simulation
Le Master 2 Analyse, Modélisation, Simulation (AMS) propose une offre complète de formation dans ces domaines, s’étendant des approches les plus théoriques jusqu’aux développements concrets (modélisations et simulations numériques).
Orsay (91 - Essonne) Diplôme : Master 2 Contact
ISAE SupAéro Toulouse
Mastere spécialisé Artficial Intelligence & Business Transformation (AIBT)
Prépare les professionnels (cadres techniques ou managers issus de filières scientifiques), jeunes diplômés et apprentis au métier de Data Evangelist. A son issue, dotés d’une solide culture de l’IA (et du big data qui y est associé), les stagiaires seront en capacité de manager au niveau opérationnel, intermédiaire ou stratégique : - des projets dans lesquels interviennent ces nouvelles technologies, - des équipes exerçant les nouveaux métiers qui y sont rattachés, tels qu’ingénieurs big data, data analysts, data miners, data scientists.
Toulouse (31 - Haute-Garonne) Diplôme : Mastère Contact
Mines ParisTech - Université PSL
Le Mastère Spécialisé HPC – AI
Ce MS vise à former des experts à la fois du calcul intensif et de l’analyse des données massives, favorisant l’apprentissage automatique. La formation porte sur des aspects scientifiques et technologiques répondant aux attentes des métiers numériques à forte demande. La formation HPC-AI couvre un ensemble essentiel de compétences en informatique, en mathématiques pour le traitement et l’analyse de données massives issues de l’expérience et de la simulation.
Sophia Antipolis, France (06 - Alpes-Maritimes) Diplôme : Mastère Contact