Sycl on CPU and GPU

Sycl on CPU and GPU

Sycl on CPU and GPU

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Leading up to the summer program, we’re hosting a special series of 18 webinars called « Gray Scott Thursdays » focus on Unit tests, CPU & GPU Architecture, Computing precision, Memory allocation, CPU & GPU computing with Modern C++, Rust, Fortran, Python and Sycl, also EVE and CUDA…

These weekly sessions will:

  • Introduce key topics from the courses
  • Give you an update of the most known languages and libraries 
  • Develop your skills and give you the chance to meet our incredible professors



Without too much technical details, we will see how SYCL evolves in the heterogeneous programming world of C++ : between first steps of C++ standard, CUDA performances and Kokkos library. We will start with SYCL’s promise and mooving code between several hardware architectures such as CPU, GPU and FPGA. Finaly, we will present the program of the summer school about SYCL.

Pour s’inscrire à cet évènement, Veuillez vous rendre à l’URL suivante : →


Date et heure

jeudi 3 avril 25 @ 10:00 à
jeudi 3 avril 25 @ 11:30


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