Modern C++ GPU computing with std::algorithm and CUDA
Leading up to the summer program, we’re hosting a special series of 18 webinars called « Gray Scott Thursdays » focus on Unit tests, CPU & GPU Architecture, Computing precision, Memory allocation, CPU & GPU computing with Modern C++, Rust, Fortran, Python and Sycl, also EVE and CUDA…
These weekly sessions will:
- Introduce key topics from the courses
- Give you an update of the most known languages and libraries
- Develop your skills and give you the chance to meet our incredible professors
In C++, GPU computing evoled drastically in 2020 when NVidia announced its compiler, nvc++, could compile C++ 17 computing directly on GPU without the need for the developer to use extra libraries such as SYCL, Kokkos, etc. Now, nvc++ can also deal with C++20 and Intel came in the race with dpc++. In this webinar, we will see how to compute on GPU with C++17 and C++20. Common ponits and differences with other approches, such as CUDA, and its compatibility with C++17 on CPU as we mentionned is a previous webinar.