Introduction to HPC for decision-makers
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High-Performance Computing (HPC) brings together very high-power computing resources capable of solving extremely complex problems. It is at the heart of innovation and major advances. This course presents the theoretical background needed to tackle these issues.
This online course introduces the fundamental concepts of high-performance computing. The course content is divided into 3 consecutive weeks:
week 1: Introduction to HPC
week 2: Supercomputer architecture
week 3: Parallel programming techniques
week 4: Introduction to IA and HPC
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Explain the challenges of HPC.
- Identify the usefulness of HPC for a research or industrial project.
- Give recommendations on how to benefit from HPC capabilities.
This is a fully online training session. It is divided into 7 consecutive weeks, based on learning activities delivered each week.
- Week 1 to week 4 require around 2 to 3 hours of work per week. Learning activities are released on Monday of each week and you have 7 days to complete each week’s activities. The 3 hours of work can be distributed over the week, depending on your schedule.
- Three live interactive sessions will take place in weeks 1, 3 and 4.
- Continuous assessment will lead to a certificate of learning.