From CUDA to SYCL – Strategies and migration tools

From CUDA to SYCL – Strategies and migration tools

From CUDA to SYCL – Strategies and migration tools

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Leading up to the summer program, we’re hosting a special series of 18 webinars called « Gray Scott Thursdays » focus on Unit tests, CPU & GPU Architecture, Computing precision, Memory allocation, CPU & GPU computing with Modern C++, Rust, Fortran, Python and Sycl, also EVE and CUDA…

These weekly sessions will:

  • Introduce key topics from the courses
  • Give you an update of the most known languages and libraries 
  • Develop your skills and give you the chance to meet our incredible professors

Pour s’inscrire à cet évènement, Veuillez vous rendre à l’URL suivante : →


Date et heure

jeudi 19 juin 25 @ 10:00 à
jeudi 19 juin 25 @ 11:30


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